Clemency for Leonard Peltier letter writing action + presentation by Rigo 23

January 7, 2017
  • Clemency for Leonard Peltier letter writing + presentation by Rigo 23

    Rigo 23 presents his two decades of work surrounding the freedom campaign, including the Leonard Peltier Statue Project.

    January 7, 2017
    at 356 S Mission Rd

  • Clemency for Leonard Peltier letter writing action + presentation by Rigo 23
    Postcards, pens, and postage provided

    At 3 PM, Rigo 23 will present on his two decades of work surrounding the freedom campaign, including the Leonard Peltier Statue Project.

    Saturday, January 7, 2017
    2 – 5 PM


    to read Democracy NOW’s interview with Rigo 23 about the current state of this project, click HERE

    Click HERE for the International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee website

    Click HERE to sign the Amnesty International petition to free Leonard Peltier

    ***image: Two-term vice-president of the Oglala Lakota Tribe – Tom Poor Bear – stands on the statue’s feet in front of his home at Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation. He holds a framed photograph of himself and Leonard Peltier taken during a recent visit at U.S. Penitentiary Coleman, in Florida. Photo: Marc Hors

    Tags: Rigo 23